Beach Training THIS Wednesday 4.30pm Coogee Beach

25 Feb 2019 by Coogee Seahorses

Hi all,

Coogee Seahorses Pre-Season Beach Training commences THIS Wednesday 27th March 4.30pm (and next Wednesday 6th March) at North End of Coogee Beach on the sand.

Under 6’s to Under 12’s Girls and Boys are all welcome, as are any unregistered players, schoolmates or friends who are interested in playing rugby in 2019.

Note this training is OPTIONAL but a good chance to get the rugby ball into the hands, legs moving and meet new and old teammates before we move training to Latham Park on 13th March.

Training will run for approximately 45 minutes to one hour. Meet 4.30pm at far North end on the sand near Coogee Pavilion.