Coogee Seahorses. 2020 Season Update
29 Apr 2020 by Ian Rachel
Dear Coogee Seahorses Parents, Coaches, Managers and Players,
We hope you are all keeping safe and well. These have certainly been trying times for everyone and it is great to see that the hard work and sacrifices made by us all are starting to result in an improved outlook.
While we acknowledge that Junior Rugby may not be at the top of everyone’s priority lists we do see community sport as an important aspect of our return to normality. To that end the Presidents of the Randwick District Junior Rugby Clubs, in conjunction with relevant governing bodies, are working together to formulate a plan for getting kids back onto the rugby field as soon as it is safe and practical to do so. It is not possible to make a firm plan at this point but we felt it important to let you know what we are thinking and assure you that we are doing all we can to give our kids a positive rugby experience in 2020.
To quote NSW Rugby update on 24 April: “ Based on the current advice from government and the anticipated easing of COVID-19 restrictions in coming months, in particular the potential lifting of public health orders on 29thJune, we are targeting the month of July for NSW Community Rugby to return to the field.“Our unions will work with all areas of Community Rugby to assist them to return to the field safely and expeditiously, while adhering to all relevant government requirements.”
We are currently thinking the season might look like is a revised competition starting on July 24, after the July school holidays. Trainings will hopefully start well before then but exactly when and what form they will take is yet to be determined. In order to make the 2020 Rugby Season of sufficient duration we are looking to extend beyond the traditional season end dates in August and take the season out to the end of term 3 in late September. This should give us around 10 round of matches, a reasonable length season.
These dates are only an indication and there is a lot of work to do, but we are hopeful we can make it all work. So please encourage the kids to stay fit and keen as rugby is hopefully not too far away.
We will keep you informed and updated as more information comes to light and plans become more firm. If you have any questions please direct them to your club representatives.
Best regards,
Ian Rachel
President – Coogee Junior Rugby Union
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